Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's here!

The Peace Corps Invitation Kit is here! (through UPS Ground btw)

After much further delay after work, and then running around doing errands, I finally get a moment with the package now, ready to open it. I kinda of nervous, so instead, I'm blogging...

... and as I predicted. It's GHANA!

Okay so I am not jumping for joy excited because I sort of predicted it, but YAY! I have been waiting for this day for almost a year now. It's finally here. I am high on life right now.

Ahh I lied. I am so freaking excited. The next four months are going to be ridiculous. My brain is having a party with all the serotonin and dopamine from all this happiness. This is what people must feel like on Christmas morning.

FEBRUARY 6th. I feel like I'm dreaming.

1 comment:

  1. let me be the first to congratulate you in the blogosphere!! CONGRATS! so excited! you can finally open my package in a couple months... hahah
