Sunday, February 19, 2012

i'm alive

13 days in Peace Corps, 11 days in Ghana. Seriously it's only been 11 days? Feels like an eternity and back already.

It's ridiculously hot here... and it's still winter time probably. HOW DO YOU TURN OFF THE SUN?!?!

Here are a few things that went on (in no particular order):

-Got proposed to by the custom agent at the airport, first in my group. I'm not that proud.
-Asians don't exit in Africa, here I am known at 'white person' as everyone else.
-Found out my site and language training two days ago. Upper West of Ghana aka Upper Best -- best region to be at in term of weather I think. I'm quite glad. Though it is the youngest in term of developments so the work will be hard, but I'm down for it.
-Latrines are my worse night mare. Though I don't think that's going to be improved soon. Thank goodness I haven't experience the diarrhea rite of passage yet, something that all Peace Corps volunteers must go through. I would like to thank all the weird Asian food that I ate through out my life. Best preparation for Africa so far.

... uhh I have more but can't think of anything right now. Gotta head back soon. Will update more. Maybe with pics.

1 comment:

  1. lol what a short ass post! hope you are having fun. whats your living situation like??
