My uterus is having a rave inside me, and I'm not invited. All I get is the messy after math.
Sorry for the absence since the last angry post about small penis trucks. Nothing much went on ever since. I got my yellow fever shot in last month, not only it was 175 bucks (but PC reimbursed me so yay), it also hurt like a bitch. I thought the chicken pot booster sucked but this stuff burned like hot liquid fire.
Exactly two months from today, I will be on a plane leaving. First for Philadelphia, and then Ghana. Despite my initial excitement of preparing for the trip, I've really slowed down and haven't done much as of late. It's like running a marathon, and I spent all my energy way too early in the race so now I'm worn out and just slow grazing as oppose to my other PC mates who are now just starting to get excited about preparing. Right now, I just want to hurry up and quit my job and have one last hurrah with my friends before having to think about the all the heavy burdens of life in the third world.
I've been getting emails from the the PC Ghana Google group these past couple days of people talking/sharing about their past experiences and their excitement for the next 2 years, and for some reason, I don't even want to be a part of it at all. I think that it's because I've been preparing for this for so long, that talking anymore about it would make it a broken record.
I don't want to talk. I just want to do. I just want to buy my shits, pack them, and then go. I don't want to spend so much time talking about how I hope to change the world and what I have to offer because the one thing I have learned about international volunteering is that volunteers are only as helpful/useful as the locals need them to be, and any one coming in with a savior complex are just setting themselves up for disappointment.
OMG! I know exactly how you feel... that's how it is with my program. people always talking about their experience and what they hope to get out of it and i just try to ignore it all and focus on my life. hang in there... you're going to do amazing things in ghana!!! :)