Wednesday, August 17, 2011

you've really screwed me now, USPS

Another Peace Corps news:

The documents I mailed out about a month ago never reached PC headquarter. I found that out this week... by accident.



Good thing I made copies of my documents before I sent them out, so I had those to send to my Peace Corps nurse, only to find out this morning that my scans/copies were missing a page. The most crucial page on top of that. So now the original is lost in the black hole of the postal universe. I have no other copies. The only other option is to call the clinic and ask them to fax one over, which I did... but I got their voice mail instead, so waiting is pretty much all I could do

But here is the turn around! The nurse at the Peace Corps head quarter is nice enough (or probably felt sorry for my pathetic self enough. This seems to be the theme of my life as of late) to clear me for take off anyway, under the condition that I have to submit that paper in later when I get a hold of it.  

SOO... I don't want to get too ahead of myself, but looks like I am medically cleared y'all. 

1 comment:

  1. yes! finally! the medical world really has it out for you.
