Today I found out that I will be going to Philadelphia for staging. How exciting! I've never been there so it'll be a trip, though it's just going to be one night. Somehow, this blog has become a count down measure to my Peace Corps trip. I had meant to write more witty and interesting things here but I seriously dropped the ball on this. Maybe in a few months when I'm settled down I'll better.
Anywho, Happy New Year!
I am so glad the holidays are over. I have never been a fan. Every year I spend Xmas with my family, and every year I always end up feeling grumpy and have to leave the house for a few hours. Family gathering used to be a favorite thing for me when I was little, but since we came to America, it sort of went down hill and became just another day for hostilities.
This year, I went and saw a Sherlock Holmes. I'm a pretty huge mystery crime/Holmes fan so even thought I don't believe that Robert Downey Jr. is fit as Holmes, the whole how-did-he-do-it theme never gets old for me, and I enjoyed the movie through-roughly.
It's been five days into January and it felt like an eternity. I submitted my 2 weeks notices last week and have been hauling ass to get some of my projects done before my departure next week. For some reason, the work load always seems to multiply itself while you're working on a deadline. I guess this is the real world. All work. No play. And you ended up hating yourself eventually. So glad all that is about to end before I go any further.
Things with Peace Corps is starting to move again after a few months of silence since the invitation letter. There is a facebook group and everything and people are talking and the excitement is brewing. I think there are going to be 25 people in my group to Ghana. I check the Facebook and they are all pretty much women. lol. I think there is a stereotype out there about Peace Corps being predominantly women, and I guess it's true. Though I hope the stereo type about these women going to Africa to look for a husband is faux because frankly, I'm so over people telling me that I'm going to 'find a husband'/'come back with a baby'/'get myself a man'/'catch myself a bush man' when I'm in Ghana. Sure they're joking, but just like any terrible jokes, I can't wait for this shit to end.
Seriously? Why in the world would I drop my entire life for 2 years just so I could move to a foreign land to find myself a man? How little value does a person have to even consider this option? if you know me, you would know that I like jokes. I often am the one who say the ridiculous joke, cracking up that the most outrageous thing, and I can handle a lot of messed up funny stuff. The only I don't appreciate are rape jokes and fat jokes, but this typing of 'husband seeking' joke is pretty close to making to my no appreciation list.
I know I shouldn't get too riled up over this kind of talk, but to me, they are just so belittling. It is as if people are saying, as a woman, I shouldn't be doing anything else but focusing on finding a man, at any cost. Just talking about this pisses me off all over again. Growing up in a chauvinistic culture, I am constantly fighting against the type, with my family, with my people. When I hear these remarks, it is as if they are mocking my effort, and that, above all, is really insulting.